Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? You can't put your finger on it, but something is not quite right. How about a meal you are having. It looks okay, and tastes all right, but something is missing. There isn't any "zing" to it. One thing I have done for several years is buy Embasa Querito Peppers. These are fairly hot peppers that add zing to any kind of meal. For all the years we have lived in the St. Louis area, I have purchased the peppers at a Mexican market near our home. I was quite surprised several months ago to find out that the store had changed hands, and, they no longer carried the peppers I loved. So, for several months I have not had a guerito pepper. I have tried other peppers from other stores, but they are woefully lacking. My meals have been good, nutritious, satisfying, but something has been missing. In the busyness of life, sometimes the routines we establish get everything done that we need to, but there is no "spice", no "zing". Life is too precious to just make a routine of living. So, I'm adding some zing, (I have a couple of good ideas) and I'm looking for another source for guerito peppers. When I accomplish both, I'll let you know.