Friday, September 16, 2011

The Creator Is Still Creating

Last Christmas Kathy gave me the BBC video series Planet Earth and Blue Planet. These two multi DVD series are incredible looks at the wonderful planet we live on. As I watched each DVD, I was awed over and over again at God's creation. I was amused every time the narrator said something like "we're not sure exactly how this came to be, but it is amazing." I don't think the secular videographers meant to produce such great illustrations of God's creativity.

This morning I finished reading the book of Job. In chapter 38 God responds to Job and his friends. God asks, "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? NIV

As I read these words, I thought again about the BBC series. I can see God measuring, figuring, planning, building small models and carefully creating each piece, each animal, each plant fitting together perfectly. As the creating began all the angels shouted for joy. What a thrilling scene. Here's a couple more thoughts; astronomers tell us that the universe is continuing to expand. No one know why. I do - God is still creating. He is making room for all the new stars and planets that are filling the space. One last thought. I read an article recently about a new species of shark turning up in a meat market. Scientists were amazed at this newly found species and they commented that there are probably thousands of plant, animal and insect species that haven't been discovered yet. I think God has a wonderful sense of humor. I can see Him continuing to create new species here on earth just to stay ahead of the scientists. I think He gets a real kick out of us finding something brand new and making a big deal out of it. I can see him leaning back and and laughing a huge cosmic belly laugh as His new creations are discovered. Just like creative artists continue to paint, sculpt, compose music, etc., I think our Creator is still creating. Creations that we will enjoy throughout eternity. Be careful when you squash that spider in your may be a brand new species...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

He Gives More Grace

He gives more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sends more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He adds His mercy,
To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He gives, and gives, and gives again.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed when the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father's full giving is only begun. (emphasis mine)

These are remarkable lyrics, a complete sermon right from God's Word, in 12 simple lines. It is even more remarkable when you consider that the author, Annie Johnson Flint, was orphaned at 6 years old and spent thirty years bedridden with arthritis. Annie initially wrote poetry as gifts to friends, but her talent became widely known. Many of her poems were set to music and published in books like Out of Doors.

When you think you have reached the lowest point, and you have exhausted all of your hoarded resources, God is just beginning to help you. Isn't it amazing how when you think your story is the worst ever, you find out someone else has had it much more difficult than you could ever imagine? In spite of Annie Flint's very difficult physical life, she really understood how much God loved her and cared for her. He does the same for you. If you know Annie's song, sing it right now. If you don't know the melody, read the lyrics slowly and let God make them real to you today. He will...I know...I've already sung the song this morning.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Irony of Being Unemployed on Labor Day

On this holiday Monday, I think I would rather be working. I don't think I've ever said that on a holiday, but obviously, this is a different time and circumstance.

As a Christian that is trying desperately to trust God and stand on His Word, the national and international news can be unsettling. No jobs added in August isn't exactly a confidence builder. And, I must admit, I'm not holding my breath waiting for our President's jobs speech on Thursday. To top it off, this morning my daily Bible-Through-the-Year reading began the book of Job. Speaking of confidence building... :)

One thing struck me this morning as I read the first reading. After each of Job's servants reported in to tell him of all the losses he had suffered, and they were incredible losses, this is what it says at the end of the first chapter, "At this, Job got up and tor his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.' In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing." (emphasis mine) I know I will never experience the depth and profound sorrow of Job's experience. However, my family and I may go through some deep water in the next few weeks and months. One thing I know, and God's Word through Job taught me again today, is that I must stay focused on God as our source, not the source of the calamity. Once Job dealt with the initial news and grief, (he tore his robe and shaved his head), he then fell to the ground in worship. I really want that to be my attitude.

So, if you see me in Walmart with a torn shirt and shaved head, don't panic. You will know that God and I are doing okay.