Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mexico's Mother Teresa

I met Mexico's Mother Teresa last week. Her name is Sister Josephina. The term "sister" demonstrates Christian respect. She is the director of an orphanage in Juarez, Mexico. She currently has 103 children that range in age from 8 months to older teens.

As I sat with her last Thursday, (Feb. 21), and listened to her talk in Spanish, I felt like I was in the presence of a saint. She told me about children and events from the 19 years that she has directed the orphanage. As she spoke, humbly and without boasting, I kept thinking that angels would reveal themselves at any moment or least bright light would begin to shine around her. Her entire life, 24/7, is consumed by raising these children. While she has both volunteer and paid staff, she is the "mama". She was affectionately called "Mama Josephina" by the children during the time we were there. Life in Mexico is much more difficult than it is in St. Louis. Donors in that country are not as wealthy nor as generous as they are in the U.S. She must pray in and trust God for everything they need to exist. Her positive outlook and vision casting didn't reflect her meager surroundings, only the great things that God was going to help her accomplish.

I was disappointed when it was time to go, there was so much more I wanted to ask her. It isn't very often that I get to spend time with a saint...
(we have some great pictures of many of the children, and I would love for you to see them, but we need to protect their privacy)

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