Monday, March 31, 2008

Viewing the Bible Through the Eyes Of a Leader

One of the blogs that I read is written by Tony Morgan. Tony is a pastor and author. I first met Tony through his book Simply Strategic Stuff. Here are some thoughts from Tony's blog on leadership and the Bible. Good stuff...

"I'm in the process of going back through the Bible viewing it through the eyes of a leader. Here are my thoughts from the first seven chapters of Matthew:

-Leaders make mistakes. God can redeem leaders. (1:6)
-It's all about obedience. Joseph "did what the angel of the Lord had commanded Him. When was the last time you heard from God and did what he told you to do? (
-I may have positional power, but God is always more powerful. (
-The way I live my life is dictated by the amount of time I spend in the Word of God. It is my sustenance. (
-Time is running out. I need to embrace the urgency. (
-Part of my responsibility is to look for the ministry potential in others. (
-My leadership should produce peace. (
-My actions will speak louder than my words. (
-God doesn't like it when there's division and anger between leaders. (
-I need to follow through with my commitments. (
-People will persecute me. I need to pray for them. That's difficult for me. (
-God wants me to be me. He wants us to be real--not fake. (
-There are some actions people don't see, but God still does. (
-What I do with my money will impact my heart. Interesting that God didn't say it the other way around. Makes me think disciplines with time and money impact the condition of my heart. (
-As a leader, I need to prefer for tomorrow, but I shouldn't worry about tomorrow. (
-If I'm a good leader, my ministry will bear good fruit. The measure of my success is not the input but the outcome. (
-The win isn't for people to hear the message--the win is life application
. (7:24)"

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