Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Buzz Words?

There are a couple of new buzz words to describe churches showing up in blogs, new books and magazine articles. They are "attractional" and "missional". The online dictionary I use does not have any listings for the word "attactional" and all 3 entries for "missional" related to traditional missions definitions. Are we really so far ahead that the dictionary will have to catch up? Or are we still so far behind that the dictionary really doesn't care? :)

One definition for an attractional church is "one that, through its presence, programming and marketing--everything to four-color brochures to word-of-mouth, seeks to attract people to its services." Unfortunately, fewer people are "attracted" to most churches every year. We may be spinning our wheels by spending a lot of time trying to figure out what will bring people to our open doors. In fact, most of our effort is aimed at the people we already have.

One definition of a missional church is; "a missional church is evangelistic and faithfully proclaims the gospel through word and deed. Words alone are not sufficient; how the gospel is embodied in our community and service is as important as what we say." A resounding theme in some of George Barna's research on what people are looking for in a spiritual experience is a church that lives and demonstrates the gospel.

Sometimes I wonder if our church buildings get in the way of truly demonstrating God's love for a hurting world. It reminds me at times of the childhood game of hide-n-seek. A tree or playhouse was the "safe base". You always tried to get back to the safe base before the person who was "it" found you. Is the church building our safe base? Is it too safe, so safe that we aren't willing to risk sharing God in "word and deed" away from it? I don't really have any answers, but I do know, I am desperate to be involved in what God wants to do in people's lives who do not know Him yet.

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