"The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer, My God is my Rock in Whom I take Refuge." (Psalm 18:2) This picture and scripture were sent to me last Sunday by Dan Arnold, a member of our congregation. We had sung "It Is Well With My Soul" in our morning services, and Dan was recounting God's protection of him through a very difficult health situation. Dan said "I feel that I am the guy in the lighthouse with everything swirling about me, yet I am safe because God is my protector." Wow, how powerful is that! While I have never had to deal with a serious health issue like Dan, I have felt the same way regarding serious situations in my own life. Even though I felt like I might be swept away by the power of circumstances beyond my control, I could identify with the writer of the Psalm, "God, You are my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer". If you are reading this blog today, and you are up against a difficult situation, God is on your side. Ask Him to be your Rock, your Fortress, your Deliverer. Jesus once said, ""You have not because you ask not" (James 4:2). Do you need physical healing, a relationship restored, wisdom for a major decision? Take a moment and ask God. He is listening and ready to move on your behalf. If you need help praying and believing God, let me help you. Post a comment and we'll call on God together. Blessings.
Great picture--great comments! So true--Praise God that we have a rock we can depend on.
Donna, thanks for reading this blog. God really is true to His word, if we'll just trust Him.
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