I have enjoyed watching portions of the televised Olympics this summer. There have been some great victories and triumphs. And then there's been some shocking losses, stumbles and pure "choking". One of the poignant pictures is of
Lolo Jones agonizing over her loss in the 100M hurdles. She was ahead, and favored for the gold medal, until she hit the second to last hurdle. It threw her timing off so bad that she could not recover before the finish line and ended out of the medals. Gymnasts had their troubles, divers and swimmers did as well. Even our undefeated ladies softball team choked and missed a gold medal. Both of our 400M relay teams (men and women) dropped their batons and were disqualified. Both teams were highly favored for gold medals. I can't imagine the frustration and disappointment of training and working for 4 years, and then not accomplishing what you set out to do. Some of these
athletes will not have another chance in 4 years, their bodies won't let them. For others, life will take twists and turns that will not take them to London in 2012. But I do know the frustration of planning, working and trying to get something off the ground only to end in failure or defeat. God didn't promise us that He would smooth out our way and keep us from frustration and failure. He simply promised to be with us, to walk with us, to impart His wisdom and to be true to His word. I wonder if the little Chinese gymnast has any hope after falling off the balance beam? As the rude and
uncompassionate cameraman zoomed in on her face, she tried to be brave, but tears began to trickle down her cheeks. Let's hope a Christian gymnast was able to love her, and allow Christ to show Himself through her. There's no denying it, life can be tough, but it's not without hope.
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