In my last blog I told you about reading The Shack. I have finished the book and I highly recommend it to you. If you have trouble knowing God as a loving, unconditional embracing God, you must read this book. It is available at any of the major booksellers, or you can order it at www.theshackbook.com. This book came at a good time in my thinking because I have been overwhelmed with the process of thinking, praying through and talking to God about the way our church can reach people that live around us. In the latest issue of Outreach magazine, there is a mini-poll asking American adults, "What is an Evangelical Christian?" Here were the answers:
I have no idea 36%
A type of Christian 9%
Closed-minded 4%
Zealous/devoted 9%
Fanatics 5%
Impose beliefs on others 3%
Rely on the Bible 8%
Follow Christ 1%
If we follow Christ, we love, unconditionally. We don't force, protest, tear down, argue, demean. We love, just like God loves us. Read the book and we'll keep this discussion going.
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