Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two Days Until Christmas

I really enjoy these last days just before Christmas. Finishing special events at the church, preparing for the Christmas Eve service, shopping, wrapping gifts, getting the house ready for company and a myriad of other tasks. These all add to the excitement of the season. I still feel like a kid when it comes to Christmas. I love the cooking smells mixed with the scent of our fir tree, candles burning and a fire burning in the fireplace. I enjoy sitting by our tree, checking the lights outside and reading through Christmas cards. I must admit that my schedule doesn't really slow down until 6 PM on Christmas Eve. But after that it's our traditional Mexican dinner with our family, our son Josh and his wife Kelly and Kelly's family. Enchiladas, tamales, chili, beans, rice, tortillas, guacamole and more. After that we're going to settle in with a fire going and watch The Nativity as a family. We'll reflect on the wonderful story of Christmas and then the kids will go off to bed. Then Kathy and I will assist Santa Claus with putting out the Santa gifts and around midnight, Kathy and I will open the gifts that we've picked for each other. We started this tradition several years ago and it is a highlight for us. This time alone is a wonderful time to express our love for each other and to remember the great blessings of God to us and our family. God is good...Emmanuel, God with us. He is for us.

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