Wednesday, June 10, 2009

58 Degrees

I think this vacation is partly a Homecoming Tour for me. Today we spent the day on the boardwalk and beach in Santa Cruz, CA. The summers between my last two years of high school were largely spent at Santa Cruz, Capitola and other places where 3 friends and I surfed and fished. We were true beach bums for those two summers. Today the water temperature was 58 degrees and the air temperature was about 70. Sam, Shawn and I had a great time body surfing 3-5 foot waves. At one point Sam got caught in a rip tide and started to get farther out than he and the lifeguards were comfortable with. Just about the time the lifeguard took off his tee shirt and started to put on his fins, Sam was able to touch bottom and come in. Whew, scary for a moment.

The ocean has a steady rhythm. In, out, in, out. Much like our heart beats, steady. Another aspect of the ocean is that you never get tired of seeing it. It is so much larger and awesome than our everyday lives that it is constantly overwhelming. I have talked with people who live at the coast and have views from their homes of the ocean. They all say the same thing. They are constantly awed by it. Why else would people build on land that is unstable, and take the chance of their homes falling into the ocean. On our honeymoon, we stayed at an inn right next to one of the Santa Cruz beaches. We left our windows open at night so we could hear the ocean waves as they beat their steady rhythm. I think the ocean reminds me of the awesomeness of God. So big, so overwhelming, and yet approachable. I think sometimes we only get our feet wet or wade up to our waists in God, much like we do with the ocean. We get afraid of being swept away, or of the unknown in God. Oh God, let me fearlessly submerge myself in you. Overwhelm me with Your glory.

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