Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's Hot and What's To Come

I mentioned in a Facebook status update yesterday that I attended a very enlightening workshop regarding the current state of technology and what developments are just around the corner. First, the presenter confirmed a suspicion I have had for months, email is a dying technology. For months, my junior in high school daughter has been telling me that she doesn't use her email accounts anymore. The only thing she uses them for is for a phone application that requires an email address to register. Her primary method of communication is Facebook and her phone. The presenter for this workshop said that in today's digital world, email gets opened 42% of the time and phone texts get opened 98% of the time. In other words, if you want you communication to be received, send a text, not an email. The sale of laptops/notebooks is flat in the USA. Net books or mini-computers are now in. However, the sales of smart phones is going through the roof. Apple is selling iPhones at a phenomenal rate. This is the hot communication method today.

Here's one of the most interesting technologies on the horizon. Texas Instruments has developed a chip for your phone that will allow you to show pictures, files, documents, etc. as a projected image that will be approximately 6 by 8 inches. Instead of showing your pictures and other media on your tiny phone screen, you could put a piece of white paper on a table and project a rather large image.

For someone my age, it's getting hard to keep up...but it sure is fun trying. More later.

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