Just a couple of hours until a brand new year. I've been working on a couple of small changes in how I organize my life next year, and I've decided that a few words and phrases I seldom use will become part of my everyday vocabulary. "No", "I'll check and see if I can fit that in my schedule", "I don't think I can do that", and other similar words and phrases are going to help me free up more creative and contemplative time.
This past year I read through the Bible using The Daily Message. I actually used it both in 2008 and 2009.
Tommorrow morning I'll begin reading from the God Sightings One Year Bible. This is a one year program that our senior pastor is suggesting our congregation use in 2010. I am also going to read daily from two books that were gifts. The first is The One Year Christian History, A Daily Glimpse into God's Powerful Work. I've already "fudged" and read the first two days. This is going to be a great read all year. The other daily book that was given to me is A Farmer's Year, Daily Truth to Change Your Life. This daily reading book is written by a South African potato farmer, Angus Buchan. His story is told in a wonderful movie titled Faith Like Potatoes. I'm looking forward to his writing.
On day one, Angus writes "Good farmers know that the worst thing a man can do is look behind him when he is ploughing, because he will not plough a straight furrow. Whatever has happened in your lilfe during the past year, do not look back. There may be things that you have not been able to rectify because the other party is not interested in reconciliation. Leave those things under the blood of the Lamb. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary so that your sins may be forgiven. Make sure you do whatever you can from your side to rectify any undone situation, and then press on." Good advice to start the year.
To summarize, I'm going to eliminate a lot of the busyness in my life, make room for creative thinking and planning and look forward, not backwards. See you in 2010...
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