Thursday, April 29, 2010

This Is A Mean Time In America

This has really become a mean time in America. People are angry about health care, the Tea Party movement, a new law in Arizona, the rising cost of living, the uncertainty of the future, and the list goes on and on. People are disgusted with all the various levels of government and aren't afraid to voice their opinion. Charges of "racism" are being tossed back and forth and today I heard a call by a national leader for people in Arizona to defy the new law. Wasn't this presidential administration going to be the one to unify us? What happened to "Yes We Can"?

Even Christian leaders are being swept into the chaos. Franklin Graham was "dis invited" from a Pentagon Prayer Breakfast because of some of his comments regarding Muslims. News of the Schuller family squabbles and the near financial collapse of the Crystal Cathedral grab headlines. Where are the Christian voices proclaiming peace, repentance, reconciliation and unity?

I believe that one of the most successful tools in Satan's weapons arsenal is fear. Fear of the future, fear of consequences of misguided policies and legislation, fear of each other. We're hiding behind labels; liberal, conservative, racist, Tea Party member, homophobe...

What is our most powerful weapon? God's love. God's love demonstrated in our lives in such a way that a watching world cannot deny its power. Oh God, help us demonstrate your love and begin to dissolve the meanness in our country.

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