I am constantly amazed at God's creation. Creation that goes on despite any input from us. Creation that has been in existence from the beginning of time, and will go throughout eternity. The picture on the left is of a plant in the lily family that the former owners of our house planted. It comes up every year, just like clockwork. This year it has four beautiful blooms. Some years it has only had one. I purchased some caladium bulbs this year and planted them in various places. They are the ugliest bulbs you can imagine, but they come up in such a unique way. First a shoot comes up, it thickens and then begins to open. The caladium leaves in the picture have only been open this way for about three days. I have several others in various stages of opening, each one so different. Do you suppose that God took the time to design each plant, each flower, each vegetable? Do you think that the "days" of creation were actually longer time periods in which God took the time to design everything we see in a unique way?
For quite a while, the wallpaper on my work computer has been the Sombrero galaxy. Google "Hubble telescope" and search their site for a picture of it. It is a phenomenal example of one of God's huge creations.
So here we are, just a "vapor" in the span of time. Preoccupied with the economy, our jobs, raising our families, worried about the future, and on and on. And yet in my yard I have a wonderful example of God's word when He said in Matthew 6:28, "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin". The beautiful lily you see above is just there, pointing me to God and His infinite resources, His wonderful presence and His unqualified love for me. Maybe before I check my checking account balance tonight I'll go out and have another look at that lily.
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