Sunday, July 25, 2010

This May Sound Boring To You

I just spent the week at the annual National Association of Church Business Administrator's conference in Orlando, Florida. I always thoroughly enjoy this week and come home with some great information and ideas that I can immediately put to use. 3 years ago I made an insurance contact that saved our church enough money to pay for this conference for 4 years. This year I didn't come up with that kind of contact, but I do have some needed information about expanding the use of our church management system, using our computer network better, and a great information about how Obamacare will affect our church.

Now I must admit, this conference must be similar to a computer technicians conference. It is kind of  geeky with a church administrator twist. I spent the week with several Assemblies of God administrators. Most of them are from churches that are quite a bit larger than ours. The thing that stood out to me is that we all love our churches (people) dearly, and would do anything to see God move among our people in a marvelous way. Even though we are responsible for the management and financial well being of the church, seeing God move in people's lives is way more important. One of my good friends, David Wagner, from Orange, Texas is from a church that has had an ongoing revival for at least two years. Some of the stories he tells of transformed lives is amazing. Another friend from Renton, Washington shared with me about the hundreds of new people coming to their church, and so many of them coming to the Lord for the first time. Another friend from Tulsa, Oklahoma told me about their new senior pastor and his passion for new converts. They had less than 5 people saved in the past 15 years. In the year that their new pastor has been at their church, they are averaging 5-7 people come to Christ every single Sunday.

Even though we are the number crunchers, the building supervisors and church managers, there is a spiritual depth and hunger that is so refreshing. I'm praying that next year I can sit with my administrator buddies and say "let me tell you about WCAG..."

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