Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's Almost Time For "The Smell"

There are some things that are distinct to every season. When spring arrives, winter clothes go in the closet, lawn tools get tuned up, and your yard get spruced up for the growing season. Each season has its own routine. My favorite season is spring, probably because I love to watch the bleakness of winter wake up. I enjoy seeing buds on the trees, the beginnings of growth on all kinds of bushes, and the first green shoots that come from bulbs that have been dormant all winter. Some of the first signs of life are the various flowering trees. We have a large Bradford Pear tree in our front yard that is covered in beautiful white blooms. I love spring.

There is one part of Fall, however, that I really enjoy. Fall comes, as you know, at the perfect time. It seems like just when you can't take one more hot, humid day, the temperature starts to change. In St. Louis, there is a period of time that our air conditioner is turned off, and the heater is not needed. Not only does it help our utility bill for a few days, it is a great time of year from a temperature standpoint. Not too hot, not too cold, just right. Then comes that one night, or early morning when the heater comes on. I love the smell of the first time the heater goes on! It is a great smell. It says winter is coming, it says it is time to snuggle under a warm blanket, it says its time to make sure the firewood is dry and the kindling is ready. The sad part of it, however, is that it only happens once. You can't duplicate it because when all the dust, spider webs and other stuff in your heater ducts gets burned up by the heater flames, the smell is gone. I think if someone would bottle it up and put it in a spray can, it would sell. I know I would buy some. There is one thing I make sure of when it is time to turn the heater on. I never light the pilot light before I go to bed. It would be a sad Fall if the heater came on at night and everyone was asleep and missed "The Smell." Tonight is is supposed to get down to 38 degrees. With it that cold, we may a little heat in the morning. Can't wait, maybe we'll enjoy "The Smell" tomorrow... 

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