Thursday, December 2, 2010

Trouble At the Inn

One of my all time favorite Christmas stories is Dina Donohue's Trouble At the Inn. Wally was nine years old and in the second grade, though he should have been in the fourth. Most people knew he had trouble keeping up. When it came time to pick children for the annual Christmas pageant, Wally fancied himself being a shepherd with a flute, but the plays director gave him the role of the Innkeeper. That role didn't have many lines and Wally's size would make his refusal of lodging o Joseph more forceful.

As usual, a large audience had gathered for the town's yearly extravaganza of creches, beards, crowns, halos and a whole stage of squeaky voices. No one was caught up in the magic of the night more than Wallace Purling. When Joseph appeared, slowly, tenderly guiding Mary to the door of the inn, Wally the Innkeeper was there, waiting.

   "What do you want?" demanded Wally, swinging the door open with a brusque gesture.
   "We seek lodging."
   "Seek it elsewhere.." Wally looked straight ahead but spoke vigorously. "The inn is filled."
   "Sir, we have asked everywhere in vain. We have traveled far and are very weary."
   "There is no room in this inn for you." Wally looked properly stern.
The conversation continued and Wally delivered his last line, "No! Be gone!" Joseph placed his arm around Mary and Mary laid her head upon her husband's shoulder and the two of them started to move away. Wally stood there in the doorway, watching the forlorn couple. His mouth was open, his brow creased with concern, his eye filling  unmistakable with tears.

And suddenly this Christmas pageant became different from all others.
   "Don't go, Joseph," Wally called out. "Bring Mary back." And Wallace Purling's face grew into a bright smile. "You can have my room."

Have a blessed Christmas season and take some time to read a few stories, they are gifts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Louie~ Thank you for sharing this story. My eyes are filled with tears as I type this! God bless you always. I have spent a lifetime in awe of the work you have done in the name of our Lord. Most excellent! You example Louie, even and especially when you do not realize to whom that example touches. You have touched my life in ways that are precious. Thank YOU! Rena Louise