Monday, October 10, 2011

Technology and Keeping In Touch

New technology is wonderful. Watching the rapid improvements in televisions, audio equipment, computers and especially phones, is almost awe inspiring. It seems like using your phone to make calls is a minor usage of it. Instead, we browse the web, text, play interactive games, keep our calendar and a multitude of other tasks. If you can download apps, you have an almost unlimited range of things you can do with your phone. This is the upside. The downside is that personal communication is taking a backseat to the use of technology. Send an email instead of making a phone call. Text instead of hand writing a note. Write on someone's Facebook wall instead of paying a visit...

Yesterday, I experienced the use of technology and received encouragement and inspiring conversation from our son and a good friend. Josh called from Hungary and it sounded like he was right next door. He was calling to get an update on my job process. I love to talk with Josh, he is always encouraging and really cares about his mom and dad. Josh called on a European plan cell phone. The other call I got was from Figi. My good friend Rob Leacock called to see how we were doing. His wife, Lori, had read my "job update blog" and Rob was checking on us. Again, that was a very encouraging call and I enjoyed talking with Rob for a few minutes. That call came from the internet. It is amazing to me that for a country so far away, again, it sounded like Rob was very close. The only glitch was when Lori logged on her computer and the band width didn't support both the call and her web browsing. She logged off and Rob was crystal clear again.

Earlier today Kathy and I sat in Starbucks with Claudia Alexander for a couple of hours and worked on a project. That was a great time for Kathy and I, very inspiring. Just before we sat down, our son, Jason, called me to check on us. I love talking with Jason. Our older sons constantly bless us. Tonight I played the piano for a recording session. Dear friends, Craig and Cindy Young, were singing the vocals. We had a wonderful time doing the recording and then talking after the session. Again, an encouraging and uplifting conversation.

Sometimes technology doesn't do it. Sometimes we need the personal touch of a person we can sit with and talk, or talk person to person on the phone, even if it's from a foreign country. I need to remember that for myself. There are some people that need to hear my voice, or read a handwritten card from me. How about you? Is there someone you need to touch personally? I think I'll buy some note cards and envelopes tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lory said...

We enjoy reading you blog....even in Fiji. We are so far away but are very thankful fo technology that allows us to stay in contact - internet, magic jack, and sling box. But nothing takes the place of a written note. God bless you! Lory