Today is Father's Day. Special lunch, cards, gifts, then on to the 4th of July. Sometimes it seems like special days are just interruptions in our daily routine of living life. However, on a day like today, it is good to pause and thank God for our father's and all that they have contributed to our lives.
Most of what my father has taught me has been by example. I learned by observing him living life like it is supposed to be lived, with a little verbal instruction thrown in every once in a while. And, occasionally a little physical instruction that made an impact on my backside as well as in my thinking. I've written before about life lessons that I live out today and have tried to teach my own children. For instance, when my dad taught me how to care for our yard, the last thing you did was sweep the street. That made the yard look finished, and the job complete. Today, I can't mow our lawn and trim without that last step. The greater life lesson was "complete the job, finish the task."
To this day, my 90 year old father looks sharp, hair neat and combed, moustache trimmed. My children always got a kick out of picking my parents up at the airport when they came for a visit because my father always had a shirt and tie and/or a jacket on. They'd ask, "why is grandpa all dressed up?" The life lesson is always look your best, you'll feel better about yourself and people around you will treat you with respect. It just takes a few extra minutes to be the best you can be.
I remember as a child going to an older lady's house nearly every Saturday morning with my dad. He would chop kindling for her wood burning stove. He would make sure she had enough kindling and wood for a week. I never saw him get any pay for that. She wasn't a relative, and to my knowledge, when she passed away, he never received a thank you from any of her relatives. He simply saw a need and filled it. That has been a huge life lesson.
My dad served in WWII, proudly serving his country, and then came home and lived a productive life, raising a family and serving God. I am so thankful for his legacy and teaching. Now for 34 years its been my turn to be a father. Thanks dad for all the instruction, example, and love. Happy Father's Day! I love you.
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