One day, life can't get any better, and then without warning, it takes a crazy twist and turn. Life is funny that way. For almost two years, our lives have twisted and turned, with wonderful high moments and some low moments that tested everything about us. At the end of the day, sometimes you have to step back and say it just didn't work out. If I've learned anything at all, it is this - it is useless to ask why. Why can't change what just happened, it can't force a "do over," and why doesn't get you down the road. Waiting for a why simply stalls the process of learning and doing that God is taking you through.
Last July, our family moved to Tucson. We were looking forward to joining a church staff, meeting a new congregation of people, and using our years of experience and maturity in a new church setting. We had great success, met a lot of very nice people, and saw good things happen as Kathy and I rolled up our sleeves and went to work. Sadly, for this great congregation of people, and for us, it didn't work out. We worked as hard as we could, and did everything we were asked to do. There is a story here, and someday I may tell it, but the bottom line is, it just didn't work out. The great thing about it is, however, God knew in advance. And because Kathy and I know that, we don't need to know why, we just need to trust that He is in control and He is leading us. Throughout this amazing journey that has spanned almost two years, at times we have felt like Elijah in the desert, being fed by ravens, having all our needs met. At other times we have felt like the widow with the little bit of oil and flour that never gave out, making cake after cake and being awed by God's provision. If anyone doubts that God takes care of His children, we are living examples of His goodness, His care, and the fact that he is never early, never gives us enough to stock up, He gives us what we need right now, no more, no less. I have always believed this, taught it, and have even written about now. Now we have lived it, and Kathy and I can tell you with absolute certainty, God is....period.
I am writing this blog from my new desk at the Illinois District Council of the Assemblies of God retreat and conference grounds. This beautiful facility sits on Lake Williamson and is right next to Carlinville Lake. The home we will move into in a few days is right across the street from one of the lakes. I will be the coordinator of a new Illinois District initiative to help churches and pastors called Midwest Business Church Resources. We have already started to come along side pastors and churches and help them with all of the church business related things they need help with, so they can concentrate on spiritual ministry to their congregations and communities. We are installing and training on software that puts information about a congregation into the hands of pastors on their smart phones, tablets, computers, anywhere they have an internet connection, giving them tools to care for their congregations. We help them with insurance, health and liability, bookkeeping and accounting, land purchases and leases, buildings, human resources, payroll, incorporation and the list goes on and on. Freeing pastors and churches to do the things they do best, touching people's lives with the truth of who God is and the reality that He desires to change lives. Many of our churches are in one of the most dangerous cities in America, Chicago. But regardless, of the situation, He is Lord and Kathy and I are excited about a new challenge. There will be some opportunities for Kathy and I to both use other areas of our experience, and we're looking forward to seeing that come to pass.
I'll write more about this journey later. Right after the District Council meetings that I am here for, I'll fly back to Tucson to finish packing, we'd load up our modern day prairie schooner and head east. It will work out...
Thank you for an incredable blog.
We are happy and blest to have had the privilege of praying for you and with you in these past two years. We are so proud that you are our son-in-law and you have made one wonderful husband & father for our first born. We love you and look forward to seeing your new digs.
Louie, I don't know you but go to Albany First Assembly and know about you and of course pastor Jason and Aimee who are wonderful. Three things:
1) Keeping a Daily Journal is something I have done for 26 years and it has really been a great help to me on so many levels. I can look back at events or sermons and discover my thoughts at a particular point in time as well as what I actually did on any given day. Sometimes just putting my thoughts down on paper helps when I'm going through a difficult time.
2) Your testimony about your time at that church reminds me of two experiences I had as a youth pastor that, "Just didn't work out." Pastor Shelton is probably the only one other than my wife who knows the story behind those. In fact, it was so painful that I left the ministry. I don't regret it and have given myself in service to our church and other ministries which has been rewarding.
3) Congratulations on your new ministry. I pray you experience great blessings.
P.S. Hi Paul. I love all the times you and Marjorie have played and ministered at AFA. Your duets are amazing! Thanks.
Thank you for sharing Pastor Louie! Although we are sad that it didn't work out, we too are called to trust God's plan. We look forward to following your and Kathy's journey as your turn onto a new path.
Much Love & Many Blessings to your family.
Raymond & Kana Mott
Dear Pastor Louie and Kathy,
We had been praying for you in the transition from St Louis to Arizona and following the blog. Then we noticed for several months the blog went silent and thought that was a good indication you were busy with the Lord's work. Then in the past couple of weeks, the Lord laid you on my heart and kept bringing you both to mind. So two nights ago we read your blog and were in disbelief. The Lord is certainly working perseverance and patience in you. Do not grow weary in well doing. We certainly miss both of you leading in worship. What a tremendous anointing you have. If you need anything let us know. The laborer is truly worthy of his hire. Blessings to you.
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