Saturday, June 29, 2013

Our Incredible Creator

I had a doctor's office visit yesterday and he asked me how we had come to live in Carlinville, Illinois. I told him we had most recently lived in Tucson, Arizona. That prompted him to comment on news reports of the very high temperatures in the West. I then mentioned that here in the Midwest, temperatures for the next few days were going to be in the low 80s. We then shifted the conversation to the idea of how narrow the range is for temperature on Earth. For instance, yesterday it was 125 degrees at Death Valley, California. You don't want to stay outside very long at that temperature, but you can survive in that kind of heat, if you take the proper precautions. Contrast that with the lowest recorded temperature of -128 degrees in Antarctica in 1983. At a glance, those are incredible differences, but when you think about it, it is only a range of 253 degrees. Our sun has a surface temperature of 5,778 degrees. The coldest, estimated spot in our solar system is on the dark side of our moon, -397 degrees. Now that is a range of temperatures. I can't even think about believing that the range of temperatures we have on earth happened by chance. If our temperature changed by 50 degrees in both directions, life on earth, as we know it, would cease to exist. There isn't another planet in our scientist's range of measurement that is even close to the range of temperatures that we have on earth. Was this really an accident? A result of evolution? I think it is much easier, and a much easier leap, to believe in a Creator, than believe that this all just happened by accident.

Psalm 147:4 says He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. While I can't even get my mind around this kind of omniscient (having infinite knowledge or understanding) creativity, it gives me great comfort to know that I know the Creator that carefully designed the range of temperatures on Earth so that we and every living thing could live, grow, and exalt and praise Him. And, because he knows every detail about our universe, and who knows how many other universes out there, it is obvious to me that He is very much in control. The fact that He allows me to know Him personally makes it complete. Right now, Saturday morning at 11:57 AM, it is 74 degrees. I'm going outside to enjoy the mild summer temperature, and thank God for designing such a wonderful world.

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