When we profess our belief in Christ, and ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, we begin a lifelong journey to know God. One of the aspects of that journey is to discover, for ourselves, how the presence of God is manifested in our lives. As a lifelong member of the Assemblies of God denomination, I have been exposed to nearly every manifestation of God's presence, except rattlesnake handling. :) In my eagerness to pursue God, I have attended many church services where a wide variety of manifestations have been present. I have also spent many hours watching videos of services from around the world. Being "slain in the Spirit", shaking, dancing, looking for angel feathers or gold dust falling from the ceiling, hearing words being given for individual people, or groups of people, prophetic banner waving, and many more. I've watched ministers blow on people, throw their jackets at them, and urge people to do things they supposedly couldn't do before they came to a service, all in the name of experiencing the presence of God.
I must admit that when I was in the moment of some of these kinds of services, it was very exciting. There have been times in churches where I have served on the staff, that we had extended weeks of services where unusual things happened. We looked with anticipation for God's move, every time we gathered together. But alas, those times eventually ended, and with it, the anticipation of what might happen next.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that the last two years have been a journey through very deep water. In the midst of this, my longing for the presence of God has not diminished, but the focus has changed. The first thing that noticed was how often God began manifesting His presence to me through His Word. Even when I was reading a predefined Bible reading plan, it has been uncanny how many times the scriptures have spoken directly to me, at exactly the right time. What this has created is a love for God's Word that is growing in intensity day by day. The other thing I have noticed is that God reveals Himself to me in gentle, yet powerful ways. While I still have an interest in some of the more public manifestations that take place, I have discovered God's presence in ways that I might not have just two years ago. For instance, over the July 4 weekend, we attended St. John Lutheran church in St. Louis. We attended this church for over a year in 2011 and 2012. For a die hard Assembly of God boy, this was a radical departure in worship form. However, over the time we were there, I experienced God's presence in many ways that would have never happened in an AG church. On this particular Sunday, I had two powerful, personal manifestations of God's presence. The first was when we began to recite the Apostle's Creed as a congregation. As I spoke the words, I believe in God the Father, Almighty... I was completely overcome with the presence of God. I could only whisper the rest of the creed, as I struggled to maintain my composure. At that moment, God truly revealed Himself to me. The same thing happened as we prepared to receive Communion. As I stood in line ready to move to where the elements were being served, the presence of God descended on me, and let me know in a powerful way that He loved me, cared about me, and was with me. When it's all said and done, I think I prefer this kind of manifestation of God's presence in my life. Quiet, but powerful. Personal, and very real.
Very good, Louie. I feel the same way. It doesn't matter whether it is during the singing, Scripture reading, prayer time, sermon, etc it is whether or not we have opened ourselves to enter into His presence. The Word says that if we draw nigh to Him, He will draw nigh to us. Oh, how we need His presence in our lives! God bless.
Joann Brooks
I have been actively seeking more of God's Presence in my life. I have seen some amazing things happen this year. I was not seeking the power of God...I just wanted to experience God Himself. Some powerful things have happened as a result. My church back-ground has been pretty conservation regarding the Holy Spirit. Now I'm in a church that is actively seeking to center our lives around the Presence of God. It has been a fun journey trying to figure out what that might mean for me on a day to day basis. I write about my journey at CindyTunstall.com "Life in God's Presence" Nothing is impossible with God, and I want to live like I believe it. Thanks for sharing your journey. I am looking forward to taking a look around!
Cindy, one of the things I have noticed, in my quest for the presence of God, is that I find myself thinking sentence prayers throughout the day, sometimes without even thinking about it. It seems like His presence prompts me to draw near to Him. The awareness that God can process His relationship with all of us at the same time, giving 100% attention to each of us, completely freed me from the notion that we "wait in turn for God", or "God will get to us when He has time."
So many good things to discover about Him each day!
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