Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A New Rhythm

If you have been a reader of my blog, you have probably noticed that I have slowed down my writing considerably in the past six months. As many of you know, these past two years have been very different for my family and I. After 37 years of continuous church ministry, I started a transition to what I am doing now. Church ministry has a unique rhythm. My jobs have always broken down into several categories. First, those things that must be done this week because the congregation will expect certain things to happen each week as they attend church services and activities. Second, the things that must happen this month, again, because they impact our congregation each month. Then, those things which are in the planning stages for the immediate future, the distant future, and well down the road. Each of these areas had their urgency, and rhythm. Beginning in January of 2012, I began helping Illinois Assemblies of God churches begin using Shelby Systems software. Shelby is one of the leaders in church management systems. Along with the software, I consulted with various churches on all aspects of church administration. Because this began as a consulting arrangement, and it was not full time, Kathy and I moved to Tucson, AZ, in July of 2012, to take a full time executive pastor position. One that held great promise, but didn't work out. In June of 2013, I again began working with churches in Illinois, this time on a full time basis.

The rhythm of this job is much different. For starters, I have logged a lot of miles driving north and south in Illinois. I am presently working with 30 churches in our District on various levels of church administration. I truly enjoy the interaction with pastors, staff members, and lay leaders. I rarely attend a church service at these churches. My work is behind the scenes and involves computers, contracts, employee policies and many other administrative areas. I basically work Monday through Friday, and support Shelby software for our churches in the evening and weekends when needed. A very different rhythm from working in one church. Working in a single church, Sunday was a full workday for me. Up early to get prepared, early to the church to make sure everything I was responsible was in place, one or two services, education hour, an occasional afternoon meeting and back Sunday night for another service or event. Each workday pointed to the next weekend, with future planning worked into the mix. That was a very full rhythm, but also very enjoyable. Now Kathy and my rhythm on a Sunday is much more relaxed. We are attending a small church in our small community, and enjoying being there. Kathy has gotten involved with the women's group and is providing leadership on that level. A different rhythm for her. 

Now, back to my writing. As I am adjusting to this new rhythm, I am beginning to push important areas of my life back into their proper place on my priority list. One of those is consistently writing my blog. I posted my first blog on February 28, 2008. Today's post is my 323rd. I have told a lot of stories, and shared from my heart and experience. I still have a lot to share. Now, to get my rhythm back again...

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