Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Special Missions Convention

Last Sunday we completed our Missions Convention. I have been involved in many missions conventions in several of the churches that we have served. This one, however, was very special because our son, Josh, and his wife, Kelly, were part of the missionary team. Kelly served a year in Luxembourg as a missionary assistant, and Josh has been on a Book of Hope distribution team to Russia as well as on a church building team in Mexico. They have both been exposed to missions all their lives in the churches where they have attended. I think it is great, and scary, that they both have the same passion for foreign missionary service. Great, because they are working together for their immediate goal of spending two years with Book of Hope as Response Team leaders. Scary, because world travel and safety is always an issue, to say nothing about them being half-way around the world instead of living 5 minutes away like they do now. From the very beginning, Kathy and I determined that we would never try to manipulate our children into full-time ministry, but we wouldn't deliberately discourage it either. As it turns out, all three of our grown children are in full-time ministry. On one hand, I'm excited for them because Christian ministry is a wonderful way to spend your life. On the other hand, I get anxious for them because I know how difficult ministry can be at times. It stretches your ability to work with people, stretches your finances and stretches the time with your spouse and family. However, if I had it to do all over again, I would do the same thing. Back to Josh and Kelly, it was wonderful to hear them speak, sharing the vision of their ministry and to watch people respond to them. They are going to be good at shows! God is good and it will be fun to watch His blessing on Josh and Kelly.

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