In an Inauguration Day blog, I wrote that I would be praying for our new President, even though I could not agree with all of his views and beliefs. A lot has happened since Inauguration Day. (boy, is that an understatement) I realize now, more than ever, that I do not have very much in common with our new President. In fact, just when I think things are going to stabilize a bit, something else pops up that tells me just how much I wish this President wasn't the President. However, none of what has occurred releases me from the obligation to pray for President Obama. In fact, it should cause me to pray all the more for him and his advisers. I truly believe that there isn't a single politician, from either party, that knows what to do in these trying times. Without concentrated prayer, our leaders will not turn to God. They will rely on their own flawed wisdom and continue to make big mistakes.
I am reminded about the account in 1st Samuel where the nation of Israel cried out for a king. Even though God knew this is not what they needed, he granted their request because of their consistent asking for a king. Towards the end of Saul's reign, the people wished they had never asked for a king. They probably got what they deserved, but it sure wasn't what they expected. In spite of the situation, the people were still admonished to obey, serve and pray for the king. As a Christian, I'm in a tough spot. I don't agree with a lot that the government is doing right now. I don't agree with many of the leadership appointments and I don't like what we're hearing about plans that are coming in the future. But God has asked me to pray for my leaders, and I will continue to do that. This morning I was reading my "through-the-Bible-in-a-year" reading and Hebrews 1:14 in The Message says, "Isn't it obvious that all angels are sent to help out with those lined up to receive salvation?" What if we prayed earnestly that our leaders would be "lined up to receive salvation". I'm praying that our leaders will come in contact with people who can influence them towards God, towards righteousness and salvation. You can choose to be afraid, to complain, bad mouth, etc., or you can be part of a spiritual move in prayer. After Saul, came David...
Hi Pastor Louie,
I am right with you! Imagine millions of believers interceding for our President and leaders every day. Things would happen we probably couldn't believe.
Political religion. The prayers of hypocrasy.
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