Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Is A Wonderful Season

I love spring. We have a lot of different trees, shrubs and flowers in our yard and I enjoy watching the "green" begin to appear. This year we have had some warm days on the weekends and I have been able to spend more time getting my yard ready than normal. Two weekends ago I filled 17 large yard bags with leaves, clippings from pruning trees and shrubs and dried vegetation from last year. In several cases, as I lifted up the dried and dead left over vegetation from last year, under the pile was a blaze of green. Last year's plants had dropped seeds or bulbs had come alive and now I could see this year's beauty beginning to grow. Yesterday I noticed that our big shade tree had the first little bursts of green that signaled new leaves. And this morning our Bradford Pear tree in the front yard had burst into white blossoms overnight. Before long our dogwoods will bloom, the daffodils and tulips will be in full bloom and spring will be here in all her glory. Yesterday I cleaned up Kathy's fountain, filled it full of clean water and started the pump. Within an hour or so, several birds had found the fresh water and were taking baths.
I am so glad that we celebrate Easter in the spring, the season of new life and hope. In the midst of the uncertainty of the current events that surround us, spring reminds me that God brings renewing life and hope. He is so faithful...

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