Saturday, September 11, 2010

By 2031 You May Be Able To Go On An Earth Orbiting Sightseeing Tour

Every generation can remember things that were in use at one time, and then gradually were phased out until they only existed in garage sales or museums. In my generation, computers replacing typewriters was a major change. Early in my professional career I became quite adept at using an IBM Selectric typewriter. I took typing in 9th grade and could type quite fast. Later I learned how to change ribbons, change font balls, do minor maintenance and generally became a Selectric "help desk", although that term didn't exist at the time. I still remember buying my first computer. It was at an Office Depot type big box office supply store. My computer with its monochrome monitor and dot matrix printer was huge, slow, and very non-user friendly. But it was incredible... Now, 20 years later, I'm composing this blog post on a computer that doesn't even begin to compare to that first one. I have a flat screen display, 4 gigs of ram, an optical drive and numerous wireless devices. Plus, I'm connected to the world wide web. Things I didn't even dream about when I was using that first computer.

How about the future? What is coming in the next 10, 20, 50 years? A couple of months ago, 40 Japanese scientists came together to map out the things they thought they would develop in the near future. Here are some of them. 2020 - Thin, flexible electronic displays replace newspapers. 2022 - Synthethic blood makes donation unnecessary. 2026 - Domestic humanoids become common. 2028 - Smellovision televisions that produce tastes and smells grace every living room. 2023 - Doctors use medicine to control any cancer. 2033 - Stem-cell techniques can produce artificial organs. 2035 - Commercial flights are 100 percent autopilot. 2040 - Earthlings establish a manned lunar base.

I thought is was interesting that except for dealing with cancer, none of these forecasts dealt with the human condition. Will we find answers for the anger and mistrust that permeates our world? Will a nuclear war have taken place by 2040, crippling the world and diminishing the population? The movie I Am Legend dealt with a world wide virus that wipes out all but a tiny group of people. Could that happen? In Jeremiah 29:11 we find this wonderful promise. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Regardless of what is on the horizon, both positive and negative, God has a plan for us. Help us, O God, to put our trust in You. Help us to look to You first, to stand on Your promises. Thank You because You know us, love us, and have planned our future.

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