Friday, September 10, 2010

Where Are the Leaders?

When it comes right down to it, most of us are followers. We may have a leadership role at work, or in a club, or a church group, and at home, but most of us do not bear the load of "the buck stops here" leadership. For followers, there is a comfort level in knowing that someone else is in charge. That someone else is affirming our work, looking out for us and making decisions that will be good for us.

As I have watched national and international events unfold recently, I have come to the realization that the unrest we feel, the raw nerves that are being set off by talk of racism, extremism and all the other "isms", is coming from a lack of leadership. No one is in charge when it comes to our national and international economy. No one is delivering answers in the escalating racism rhetoric in our country. No one has a handle on immigration. The "burn the Koran, move the mosque" circus is playing to capacity crowds. Everyone has an opinion, but no one seems to have any answers. No one seems to be able to bring anyone together to find solutions. There are no peace makers. News coverage has become combative as the right and left side of the political spectrum take swings at each other. We are less than two months away from the midterm elections and the political climate will continue to heat up. The problem is, however, that while it appears that a majority of Americans are rejecting the direction our President has taken the country in, there doesn't appear to be much of an agenda from the other side to deliver answers to the situation we find ourselves in. How do we create jobs, how do we jump start the housing industry, how do we deal with illegal immigration? What should be our response to the inevitable nuclear weapon development in Iran? Is there a solution to the deteriorating financial markets in Europe? The questions go on and on, and no answers in sight.

We need Godly leaders on every level to step up and lead. Rather than praying for these situations, we should be praying for leaders who are not afraid to lead, regardless of the political fallout. Some of the greatest leaders in the Old Testament were the prophets who spoke the Word of God with boldness, they were used of God in mighty ways, and nations were changed. They weren't the most popular men, and sometimes they had to run for their lives, but when the people got themselves in trouble, they always sought out the "man of God." Oh God, in the midst of this leadership vacuum, would you raise up leaders. Men and women who speak the truth boldly, with authority, and without regard to the political consequences. Father, we need Your wisdom and authority. Help us, O God and may Your name be exalted throughout the world.

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