Thursday, August 9, 2012

That's the Dumbest Thing I Have Ever Heard

Kathy's and my first date started off badly. First, the girl I really wanted to take out after an evening church service for dinner, couldn't go. Kathy was free, so off we went to one of my favorite places. When we got there, she couldn't go in because she wasn't 21. While it wasn't just a bar, because drinks were served, minors weren't allowed. So, as we settled in to my second choice restaurant, with my second choice date, we began to talk. When we began to talk about future plans, our date went into a complete free-fall. After telling Kathy about my education already completed, my future education plans, and my short and long term goals, her response to my question "what do you want to do?" was, "I want to be a pastor's wife." All I could blurt out was "that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard." Under normal circumstances, that would be the end of that. One date, no more. Complete incompatibility.

Fast forward 39 years or so. Today, August 9th in 1974, we were both preparing for our wedding that evening. I was a new pastor, a youth pastor in northern California, and she was to become a young pastor's wife. Moving from a large city and large church, to a much smaller community and a very small church. How our lives changed and came together is a story for another blog, but suffice it to say, God did some real changing in me, as He helped me understand His plan for my life's work.

This summer we began a new adventure, in a new city, in a new church. Our lives have been a wonderful adventure that has included six great children, seven grandchildren, living in several states, and several great churches. Kathy has been an incredible pastor's wife, serving along side me as we worked with students, music ministry, hospitality and many other areas. She's done this while raising 3 birth children, caring for over 35 medically fragile or severely abused babies, and raising 3 adopted children. Little did we know, when she said to me "I want to be a pastor's wife", how our lives would intersect and be lived out for the past 38 years. We have had many great moments, and we've been in the valley a few times. Life has been grand, and then taken turns we would rather not experience again. Through it all, Kathy has been right with me, steady, supportive, and ready for the next adventure God sends us on. Happy anniversary, Baby-doll. You are the best! 

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