Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Journey Continues...

This is the first opportunity I have had to sit at a computer and write a blog about our journey from St. Louis to Tucson. It has been a whirlwind of activity since last Wednesday, July 25th until today, August 2nd. Somehow, however, I don't think the accelerated activity is over yet. We just got into our rented home yesterday, and our garage is a sea of boxes, all crying out to be brought into our house and unpacked. It was so nice to sleep in our own bed last night, the first time in over a week. I am in my office today, trying to get things organized so I can get to work.

We decided to help our new church save some money and drive our household goods from St. Louis to Tucson ourselves. I drove a 26' Penske truck, fully loaded, and towed my car. Kathy drove our van. We stuffed everything we could into the truck, my car and the van, and still have things in St. Louis that we are trying to figure out how to get to Tucson. The drive was actually quite pleasant, although very long. Because the truck could not travel at highway speed, and slowed down considerably in the mountains, I'm not so sure Kathy had the greatest time following me. Unfortunately, I got food poisioning on the the second day and that slowed us down half a day. In another blog I'll write about an incredible encounter I had with the Holy Spirit on the side of the highway between Tucumcari and Albuquerque, New Mexico in the middle of being as sick as I have ever been in my life.

We left St. Louis late afternoon on Wednesday. We arrived in Tucson early afternoon on Saturday. Since the monsoon season had already started in the southwest, the desert was blooming, and it was beautiful. The vistas are so huge, it seemed at times like we could see the curve of the earth in the far distance. The seemingly non-ending views were awesome to look at. The picture at the top of the page is taken from the cab of the truck as we were entering Arizona. The picture doesn't give you immensity of the view. Just a few miles from here we got poured on, and then the skies opened up into broken clouds and shafts of sunlight and beautiful color on the mountains. Once again, I thought, how could anyone think that all of this grandeur just happened by accident, that the design of terrain, weather and atmosphere are accidental formulations that work perfectly together in a harmony that is almost unbelievable? So our life journey continues, just like our trip here, up to the top of the mountain, then down into the valley, back up the mountain, then...

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